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  • Writer's pictureLarry G

Despair, Anger, and a Cry for Unity

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

Three days have passed since we witnessed the heinous crime at the Capitol. I watched in dumbfounded amazement. I watched in anger as citizens of the United States attacked the hallowed halls and what they stand for. I watched in fear. I watched Americans become further divided.

I am a veteran of the US Navy from 1988-1994. I partook in Desert Storm and Desert Shield. I took an oath to serve the United States and uphold the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Foreign enemies are easy. The domestic ones are hard. Which is the enemy of the Constitution? Is it the progressive left? The extreme right? Honestly, I feel it is both right now. What I see is not a desire to be one nation under God. I see people seeking power and dividing on their differences instead of uniting on their commonalities. We have issues. Their resolution will not occur in the manner I am seeing played out before my eyes.

I have an ongoing conversation about unity with one of my friends. It is in the context of the body of our Messiah. There are differences in belief between the many belief systems from Catholic to Judaism to Hebrew Roots. We concentrate on those differences and become contentious and divisive. Do those things need addressing? Yes. Should we solely focus on them? No. What unifies us? Our belief in the Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So why shouldn't this apply to this nation? We can unify under our belief in the Constitution and the grandness of our Republic. Do we need to agree on everything? No. I will never agree with abortion. I can stand united with the person who does and works towards a common goal. We find ways to resolve the differences. Meaningful relationships will never be forged in anger or refusing to engage in meaningful conversations to resolve the differences. Unity is possible.

I am a father of three wonderful girls. They are a joy in my life. I watched the events unfold on January 6th and became fearful for their future. What kind of America will my children have? I have wondered if what I witnessed on that fateful Wednesday was the beginning of our national downfall. The United States was never going to fall from the outside. It was only ever going to fail if the people allowed it. Our forefathers warned us of that. I am sorrowful and fearful for the possible future for my children, our children, and grandchildren if we don't heal the division that was so prevalent just three days ago. We must ensure our children have a nation that allows them to live in freedom, not fear.

I am a Christian. I believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the Sovereign of the Universe, the Creator, and Savior. He is the only God that is worthy of our worship. I say that knowing that at times it isn't true. I place other things on the throne that don't belong there. That became a harsh realization in the days following January 6th.

I was scrolling through Facebook and looking at posts concerning the recent events. I realized that most of these people were Christians but seemed to be placing too much faith in the man called President. It almost appeared that he had become an idol for them. There was a passion that seemed too near worship, in my opinion. They seemed to believe he was becoming a sacrifice for them. I heard a question: Who is your God? I was dumbfounded. I realized that I had done as the people on Facebook were doing now. I felt a shift. I felt a renewed determination to take the man off the throne and seat the One who belongs there. So, Christian, my question to you is: Who is your God? In who or what are you placing your faith? Is it God?

I recall the story of Israel and Saul. Israel decided that they wanted a king. They were aware of the consequences. They still cried out for a man to rule them. God gave them what they wanted. They put a man on the throne. Yes, God allowed it. Israel got what they wanted. How did that turn out for them? We all know the downfall and separation that occurred. This story is what I see in America today. We have placed the wrong being on the throne, and it has brought about our downfall. We are becoming as divided as Israel did.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” We are no longer those virtuous people. We are corrupt and vicious. We now cry for more masters. We desire the government that is supposed to guard our freedoms to take them and to take care of us. Our desire for more masters shows our viciousness and corruption. We need to return to being those virtuous people by returning to the Father. When we return to morality once so prevalent in this nation, we will begin to unify and become people capable of freedom. We must realize that the government is not God.

Friends, we are at a precipice. We are in grave danger of losing our identity as a nation. We are in danger of so dividing ourselves that it will become impossible to repair the rift. I fear for this nation. I fear for the future of my children. I hate what I am witnessing. I despair as a veteran as I watch this nation crumble before my eyes. I pray it is not too late for us. We must set aside the pettiness and anger. We must unify as Americans, work on our differences to resolve them, not allow them to divide us. We must take the government off the throne of our lives and put God back on it.

I love this country and swore an oath to protect it. I believe we are one nation under God. I will defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic. I will not make it or the people we elect a god. Humans will fail, but God will not. Unity is possible despite differences. We desperately need to return to God so we can return to freedom.



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