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  • Writer's pictureLarry G

2020 is Over. Now What?

Updated: Jan 23, 2021

It is a new year. The year that was 2020 is over, and 2021 is upon us. I pray this new year doesn't build upon the bad of the previous year.

My family didn't get through 2020 unscathed. Late in the year, we faced the possibility of a major health crisis with my wife. Her family history had us scared about the possible outcome. Praise be to the God of the Universe, the Creator, our Rock, and our Shield that it turned out to be nothing of great concern. While we may have lost a few years from worrying, our faith increased in strength.

The most exciting happening of 2020 was the adoption of our third child in September. Our amazing God brought forth another miracle, and we gained the final piece to our family puzzle. We gained another fantastic family as an extension of ours. (They have our daughter’s half brother.) We praise God for putting this story together as only He possibly could.

What does 2021 hold for us? I am scared sometimes to even think about it. The political climate is toxic. COVID still lingers and impacts all our lives in some way. Yet, one thing remains. God is on the throne and is in control. I fear if I lose sight of that absolute truth, then life as we currently know it would become nearly unbearable. I may not know what 2021 has in store, but I take solace in knowing the One who does. That has to be enough.

I don't make resolutions anymore. I've found that I don't follow through with them. I don't set goals, nor do I fly by the seat of my pants completely. It is a controlled meandering. I keep my eyes on God as best I can and attempt to make my decisions wisely. I've learned to concentrate on the most meaningful things in my life: God and my family. Anything else goes on the back burner.

I do want to accomplish a few things this year. I have a desire to learn more of what Scripture says, and in doing so, deepen my faith. I pray that this carries over into other areas of my life. I pray it makes me a better husband, father, employee, and friend. I want to learn more about writing, continuing to hone my skills through this blog, and try my hand at some stories. I will continue reading a wide variety of books but concentrating more on quality rather than quantity.

I am stepping into this new year like many of you. We are all walking on eggshells. We are peeking around the corner to see what is coming at us next. We are children looking under the bed and in the closet for monsters before turning off the light. Life is a bit more stressful now. I think we all know that COVID is not a matter of if but when. The question is how much it will harm us. We all need a sense of peace at this time.

If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then I pray you will feel that drawing of the Holy Spirit and make that confession. If you know Him, then I pray that His peace and protection will be over you and your house. It is time to make sure of your relationship with Him. It is in Him that we will find the peace, security, and strength we need to make it through whatever lies ahead of us.

The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance to you and give you peace. (Number 6:22-26)



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